Osea que os dejo un saludo y unos besos y me marcho a cortar el Pavo, las Cebollitas, Picar el Ajo, (tomarme una cerveza), preparar los Tomaticos y el vinico, y para rematar un pelín de Laurel y Aceitito para empezar a dorar el Pavo (y este que beba Agua). Sabéis que? paso de las patatas hoy toca a palo seco (ya se me ocurrirá algo).
Good it stays between us, I have just slipped in in the kitchen, while Fogón is working and this way she does not find out, since it touches me to do today the meal since not at all I catch the basic "recetario", i am not much of complicating me. And what more anger gives to Fogón, jaja, that interpreted the recipes to my way, jaja, I am not much of the rules in the kitchen.
Well that left to you a greeting and a few kisses and I leave to cutting the Turkey, the Cebollitas, Stinging the Garlic, (take a beer), to prepare the Tomaticos and the wine one, and to finish off a piece of Laurel and Aceitito to start gilding the Turkey (and this one that drinks Water). Do you know what? I go on from the potatoes today it touches to dry stick (something will occur already to me).
2 comentarios:
Hola, soy Fogón:
Como si no me fuera a enterar!!!!!! Cerilla, ya veremos a ver que tal ese guiso!!!!!! ji ji ji ji
Os mantendremos informados sobre este duelo culinario!!!!
Aquí Cerilla, no es por que sea yo pero Fogón lo tiene claro.!!!....Por cierto al final será arroz, un Basmati estilo Jamie Oliver (osea Rápido Rápido)...
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